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TFT LCD Screen for iPhone 6 (White)

适用于苹果iPhone 6 TFT材质 液晶屏总成 带前置摄像头 (颜色:白色)


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1 总共 7 条, 每页20条IP6G1003
排序 提交人 原始型号 提问 回答 回答时间 状态 操作
IP6G1003 已审核
提交时间: 2016-12-20 13:53:50
IP6G1003 已审核
提交时间: 2016-12-19 11:11:54
IP6G1003 已审核
提交时间: 2016-12-19 11:11:23
IP6G1003 已审核
提交时间: 2016-12-16 19:34:06
IP6G1003 已审核
提交时间: 2016-12-16 19:30:58
IP6G1003 已审核
提交时间: 2016-12-16 19:29:32
IP6G1003 已审核
提交时间: 2016-12-16 19:27:10


操作人 内容 日期
Question:Does this come with the adhesive to keep the screen on?
Answer:Adhesive is not needed,you need a suction' tool to remove and put new screen on.
Question:Does this come with the adhesive to keep the screen on?
Answer:Adhesive is not needed,you need a suction tool to remove and put new screen on.
2016-12-20 14:14:02.03
Question:Does this come with the adhesive to keep the screen on?
Answer:Adhesive is not needed,you need a suction tool to remove and put new screen on.
Question:Does this come with the adhesive to keep the screen on?
Answer:Adhesive is not needed,you need a suction' tool to remove and put new screen on.
2016-12-20 14:13:54.787
Question:Does this come with the adhesive to keep the screen on?
Answer:Adhesive is not needed,you need a suction tool to remove and put new screen on.
Question:Does this come with the adhesive to keep the screen on?
Answer:Adhesive is not needed,you need a suction tool to remove and put new screen on.
2016-12-20 14:13:41.37
Jojo 审核了FAQ
Question:If my screen has a bunch of lines that appears occasionally and I cant touch anything while they appear means I need to buy this right?
Answer:That was exactly what my phone had. In my case, it totally worked with this replacement.
2016-12-20 13:54:06.383
Jojo 审核了FAQ
Question:My iPhone is crashed, but it can appear and touch? Should i take this one?
Answer:As we thought it just the touch screen broken, if you have a professional person who can do repair, then just need change the touch will be ok.
2016-12-20 13:54:00.907
Jojo 审核了FAQ
Question:Will this work for a 6s?
Answer:This only works for the iphone 6 not the 6S
2016-12-20 13:53:53.133
Melissa 添加了FAQ
Question:My iPhone is crashed, but it can appear and touch? Should i take this one?
Answer:As we thought it just the touch screen broken, if you have a professional person who can do repair, then just need change the touch will be ok.
2016-12-20 13:53:51.807
Jojo 删除了FAQ
Question:My iPhone is crashed, but it can appear and touch???should i take this one?
Answer:As we thought it just the touch screen broken, if you have a professional person who can do repair, then just need change the touch will be ok.
2016-12-20 13:53:09.977
Melissa 删除了FAQ
Question:My screen is blurry... like all type if different colors across the screen??? Is this what I am needing?
Answer:First you need to make sure you know what model phone you have and order the right LCD. . Usually the problem your describing a new LCD Screen would solve the problem. You may need to go to an expert in this area to make sure there are not other issues going on.
2016-12-20 13:51:11.41
Question:My iPhone is crashed, but it can appear and touch???should i take this one?
Answer:As we thought it just the touch screen broken, if you have a professional person who can do repair, then just need change the touch will be ok.
Question:My iPhone is crashed, but it can appear and touch???should i take this one?
Answer:As we thought it just the touch screen broken, if you have a professional person who can do repair, then just need change the touch will be ok.
2016-12-19 11:16:12.28
Melissa 添加了FAQ
Question:My iPhone is crashed, but it can appear and touch???should i take this one?
Answer:As we thought it just the touch screen broken, if you have a professional person who can do repair, then just need change the touch will be ok.
2016-12-19 11:14:06.897
Melissa 添加了FAQ
Question:If my screen has a bunch of lines that appears occasionally and I cant touch anything while they appear means I need to buy this right?
Answer:That was exactly what my phone had. In my case, it totally worked with this replacement.
2016-12-19 11:11:56.687
Melissa 添加了FAQ
Question:Will this work for a 6s?
Answer:This only works for the iphone 6 not the 6S
2016-12-19 11:11:24.617
Melissa 添加了FAQ
Question:My screen is blurry... like all type if different colors across the screen??? Is this what I am needing?
Answer:First you need to make sure you know what model phone you have and order the right LCD. . Usually the problem your describing a new LCD Screen would solve the problem. You may need to go to an expert in this area to make sure there are not other issues going on.
2016-12-19 11:10:52.29
Jojo 审核了FAQ
Question:Does this come with the adhesive to keep the screen on?
Answer:Adhesive is not needed,you need a suction tool to remove and put new screen on.
2016-12-17 12:34:27.617
Jojo 审核了FAQ
Question:What are the parts that I need to transfer from my old phone to make the new set complete?
Answer:Just the home button will be ok.
2016-12-17 12:34:22.73
Jojo 审核了FAQ
Question:After I replaced the screen, my phone wont turn on. Any suggestions?
Answer:check that all connectors are seated properly. See if the iPhone is turning on but no video is displayed. Turn phone on and see what happens when you flip the ringer/mute switch. replacing the screen should not cause your phone not to work.
2016-12-17 12:34:16.14
Jojo 审核了FAQ
Question:Is this hard to fix?
Answer:This was not difficult to fix, but I do recommend watching the fix video on youtube before beginning.
2016-12-17 12:34:11.737
Melissa 添加了FAQ
Question:Is this hard to fix?
Answer:This was not difficult to fix, but I do recommend watching the fix video on youtube before beginning.
2016-12-16 19:34:06.863
Melissa 添加了FAQ
Question:After I replaced the screen, my phone wont turn on. Any suggestions?
Answer:check that all connectors are seated properly. See if the iPhone is turning on but no video is displayed. Turn phone on and see what happens when you flip the ringer/mute switch. replacing the screen should not cause your phone not to work.
2016-12-16 19:30:58.55
Melissa 添加了FAQ
Question:What are the parts that I need to transfer from my old phone to make the new set complete?
Answer:Just the home button will be ok.
2016-12-16 19:29:32.913
Melissa 添加了FAQ
Question:Does this come with the adhesive to keep the screen on?
Answer:Adhesive is not needed,you need a suction tool to remove and put new screen on.
2016-12-16 19:27:10.907


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