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KANEED 2 PCS Car Vehicle Multi-functional Seat Headrest Bag Hanger Hook Holder Seat Headrest Hanger Hanging Holder Double Hooks(Black)

KANEED 多用途汽车置物袋双挂钩 两个一装(黑色)


搜索类型:   搜索内容:    部门经理:    提交时间: -   状态: 
1 总共 8 条, 每页20条S-CMS-1619
排序 提交人 原始型号 提问 回答 回答时间 状态 操作
S-CMS-1619 已审核(By Claire)
提交时间: 2017-01-20 14:46:56
S-CMS-1619 已审核(By Claire)
提交时间: 2017-01-20 14:45:00
S-CMS-1619 已审核(By Claire)
提交时间: 2017-01-20 14:43:46
S-CMS-1619 已审核(By Claire)
提交时间: 2017-01-20 14:35:20
S-CMS-1619 已审核(By Claire)
提交时间: 2017-01-20 14:32:35
S-CMS-1619 已审核(By Claire)
提交时间: 2017-01-20 14:31:03
S-CMS-1619 已审核(By Claire)
提交时间: 2017-01-20 14:30:14
S-CMS-1619 已审核(By Claire)
提交时间: 2017-01-20 14:29:52


操作人 内容 日期
Claire 审核了FAQ
Question:Are they made of plastic or metal The reviews cite different material
Answer:They are plastic but it isnt an issue
2017-01-20 15:34:16.09
Claire 审核了FAQ
Question:Can these be hung facing front
Answer:Yes it might not sit as nicely since the back of the seats are more flat but you can hang them either way
2017-01-20 15:34:07.44
Claire 审核了FAQ
Question:Are they rattlyclattery noise when empty
Answer:Nope they dont move at all
2017-01-20 15:33:52.9
Claire 审核了FAQ
Question:How much weight can they hold
Answer:They are very sturdy and hold a surprising amount of weight I have hung grocery bags with heavy glass jars from them My handbag hangs from them on a daily basis
2017-01-20 15:33:32.387
Claire 审核了FAQ
Question:Are they fit for Toyota Sienna 2016
Answer:Yes as long as you can get the headrest off to slide it on
2017-01-20 15:33:21.97
Claire 审核了FAQ
Question:Does this work on 2017 Audi Q7 that has square metal supportfeet on headrests
Answer:depends on how big the square is it is intended for the round supports but if its not a big support and the square is small enough it might fit I really dont know unless I can see your support
2017-01-20 15:32:38.253
Claire 审核了FAQ
Question:Are these hooks strong enough to hold a backpack
Answer:Yes work great
2017-01-20 15:32:26.203
Claire 审核了FAQ
Question:Can you put the headrest all the way down when these are installed
Answer:No But this works very well
2017-01-20 15:31:56.713
Becky 添加了FAQ
Question:Can you put the headrest all the way down when these are installed
Answer:No But this works very well
Answer Time:2017-01-20 14:44:56
2017-01-20 14:46:56.497
Becky 添加了FAQ
Question:Are these hooks strong enough to hold a backpack
Answer:Yes work great
Answer Time:2017-01-20 14:43:42
2017-01-20 14:45:00.713
Becky 添加了FAQ
Question:Does this work on 2017 Audi Q7 that has square metal supportfeet on headrests
Answer:depends on how big the square is it is intended for the round supports but if its not a big support and the square is small enough it might fit I really dont know unless I can see your support
Answer Time:2017-01-20 14:35:16
2017-01-20 14:43:46.907
Becky 添加了FAQ
Question:Are they fit for Toyota Sienna 2016
Answer:Yes as long as you can get the headrest off to slide it on
Answer Time:2017-01-20 14:32:31
2017-01-20 14:35:20.453
Becky 添加了FAQ
Question:How much weight can they hold
Answer:They are very sturdy and hold a surprising amount of weight I have hung grocery bags with heavy glass jars from them My handbag hangs from them on a daily basis
Answer Time:2017-01-20 14:31:01
2017-01-20 14:32:35.08
Becky 添加了FAQ
Question:Are they rattlyclattery noise when empty
Answer:Nope they dont move at all
Answer Time:2017-01-20 14:30:34
2017-01-20 14:31:03.943
Becky 添加了FAQ
Question:Can these be hung facing front
Answer:Yes it might not sit as nicely since the back of the seats are more flat but you can hang them either way
Answer Time:2017-01-20 14:29:48
2017-01-20 14:30:17.233
Becky 添加了FAQ
Question:Are they made of plastic or metal The reviews cite different material
Answer:They are plastic but it isnt an issue
Answer Time:2017-01-20 14:29:17
2017-01-20 14:29:52.173


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